API Reference

Use this API operation to create or update quality results in analysis sets or master data in selection lists.

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Body Params

The unique id of the analysis set.

This parameter is required and has no default.

Note: for historical reasons, this parameter is usually called maskid in AlisQI URLs. The API uses setId for consistency with the terminology used in the user interface.


JSON object as a string.

Array of Result objects.


    "date": "2023-08-08 19:19:02",
    "product_": "Asy Novelo",
    "batch_": "B150125",
    "status_": "In production"    

Tip: Call the getResults endpoint to see the exact Result data structure for this setId.


Find and modify existing results based on this field's value.

Defaults to none, meaning new results will be created.

If a key field is specified, AlisQI will try to find an existing result that matches the provided result's value for that field. If one is found, the existing result's values are merged with those provided and the result is modified. If no existing result is found, a new one is created.

You can prevent the creation of new results by setting editOnly=true. When set, AlisQI will not create new results. Instead, an error message is provided for each result that has no matching existing result.
Use this to prevent accidental creation of results when key field values might not match up exactly.

Note that the key field evaluation is case sensitive.
When a key field is used, you only need to specify the values that you want to change. These will be merged with the existing values. That means you can even leave out values for required fields.
However, if no existing result is found, AlisQI will try to modify or create a result using only the partial result!
If you wish to remove a value, specify "field": null in the Result.

Defaults to false

Use (only) in conjunction with keyField. Enable to prevent (accidental) creation of new results.

Defaults to false.

Defaults to false

Create new selection list options if an unknown value is specified?

Defaults to false to prevent accidental duplicates or noise in master data.


null if no error occured.

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