JUMP TOCTRL-/AlisQIAlisQI Developer portalIntegration hubCall webhooksExpression enginePre-fill values in browserSingle Sign OnAlisQI homepageStatusHelp centerAPIGeneral informationAuthenticationUsage limitsEndpointsSetsGet all analysis sets or selection listsgetGet the structure of an analysis sets or selection listgetCreate new set or listpostResultsGet results or master datagetCreate or update results or master datapostStatisticsGet descriptive statistics for analysis set fieldsgetGet capability statistics for analysis set fieldsgetSpecificationsGet specification versionsgetCreate a new specification versionpostPowered by Get the structure of an analysis sets or selection listget https://{subdomain}.alisqi.com/api/getSetDefinitionUse this API operation to get the structural definition of an analysis sets or selection lists.Log in to see full request historyURL ExpiredThe URL for this request expired after 30 days.Query ParamssetIdintegerrequiredThe unique id of the analysis set. This parameter is required and has no default. Note: for historical reasons, this parameter is usually called maskid in AlisQI URLs. The API uses setId for consistency with the terminology used in the user interface.onlyActiveFieldsbooleanDefaults to trueWhether to only show currently active fields or also include deactivated fields. Defaults to true (only active fields).truefalseResponses 200The output will be a JSON-encoded object. For both analysis sets and selection lists, the object will have properties name and fields. Analysis sets will also have group and indexField, which might be null. The fields value will be an array of objects. These objects are listed in order and describe the fields. Object properties will vary based on the field type: date fields have a format property, which is either date or datetime. numeric fields all have decimals. If this is null, the field holds a floating point value. Calculations have a formula, while others have a default. select fields have properties (listId, listField, listFilter) that define which selection list the field is based on, and which of list's fields is selected, along with which filter (see the product field in the example below). text fields have a multiline property with a boolean value. Response bodyobjectnamestringgroupstringindexFieldstringfieldsarrayfieldsFieldsTypeDateFieldsTypeSelectFieldsTypeNumericFieldsTypeTextHeadersobjectX-RateLimit-LimitintegerX-RateLimit-RemainingintegerX-RateLimit-Retry-Afterinteger 304Not ModifiedHeadersobjectX-RateLimit-LimitintegerX-RateLimit-RemainingintegerX-RateLimit-Retry-Afterinteger 400Bad RequestResponse bodyobjecterrorstringHeadersobjectX-RateLimit-LimitintegerX-RateLimit-RemainingintegerX-RateLimit-Retry-Afterinteger 403ForbiddenResponse bodyobjecterrorstringHeadersobjectX-RateLimit-LimitintegerX-RateLimit-RemainingintegerX-RateLimit-Retry-Afterinteger 429Too many requestsHeadersobjectX-RateLimit-LimitintegerX-RateLimit-RemainingintegerX-RateLimit-Retry-AfterintegerUpdated about 2 months ago Get all analysis sets or selection listsCreate new set or listDid this page help you?YesNo