API Reference

Use this API operation to get (quality) results from analysis sets or master data from selection lists.

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Query Params

The unique id of the analysis set. Note: for historical reasons, this parameter is usually called maskid in AlisQI URLs. The API uses setId for consistency with the terminology used in the user interface.

≤ 10000

The maximum number of results to output.
Limited at 10.000.

Defaults to 0

The zero-based offset used for paging. Defaults to 0.

Defaults to date:desc

Sort field and direction.
Specify as field:direction, where direction is either asc or desc.
Defaults to date, descending (date:desc).


JSON object as a string.

Specify a filter for the results.

Defaults to none.

Example: {"status_":[{"value":"5"}]}

Note: this parameter is usually called constraints in AlisQI URLs. The API uses filter for consistency with the terminology used in the user interface.
Tip: Use the filter widget in the in-app Integration hub to create a JSON filter string.


You can find the details on how to find the fields in the in-app Integration hub.

Defaults to false

Include attachments. Defaults to false.

It's possible to include attachments along with values using includeAttachments parameter. Each result object will then include the pseudo-element @attachments, which is an array of objects, each with two following name/value pairs:

filename is the file's title and extension.

data is the base64-encoded content of the file.

[{ "date": "2000-01-01 00:00", … "@attachments": [{ "filename": "Delivered pallet.jpeg", "data": "/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAg…" }, { "filename": "Supplier's CoA.pdf", "data": "JVBERi0xLjUKJcOkw7…" }, … ] }]
Defaults to false

Include result id. Defaults to false.

To include the unique sequence numbers used by AlisQI, use the includeId parameter. Each result object will then include it in the pseudo-element @id.

These values can be used as key field in the storeResults API endpoint. You may also use the ids of selection list options to dynamically build filters.

Last modification date
To include each result's last modification's date, use the includeLastModificationDate parameter. Each result object will then include it in the pseudo-element @lastModificationDate.

Defaults to false

Include result last modification date. Defaults to false.

To include each result's last modification's date, use the includeLastModificationDate parameter. Each result object will then include it in the pseudo-element @lastModificationDate.


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